Friday, March 27, 2009

@ 6:30

Its 6:30 AM and there's :

1. Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix on the playlist.

2. Parle-G.

3. Sunlight. This is the only time my room gets lit brightly by sunlight. As the sun rises. And now's it.

4. & DC++ on the screen.

Small things. But its just at moments like these that we realize how a couple of them, together, can make life temporarily awesome.

I've got a class at 8. So the awesomeness of 6:30 AM will soon depart.


Nikhil said... u finally did it !! U stayed up all nite yday ....fuck man !!! and DC at 6.30 ?? srsly ....get a life man :P

William Deng-Deng K. said...

people were still online!! there was activity on DC at 6.30 in the morning!! people are jobless man i'm telling u. :P and it wasnt just DC na.. other things as well. parle-g ?

Such! said...

you know there are many things we can identify with together, 6:30 is not one of them.

William Deng-Deng K. said...

@ Suchi : :D one time! and as if i was up studying. nah. not me. look at the things that kept me awake. all that plus a bike ride @ 6:00 AM, an episode of supernatural, chandramaa, etc. staying up all night. JLT. its fun. u should try that sometimes. :P

Jessica said...

Nothing like those early hours when everything is your own. :)