Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've been walking since four in the morning,
but its just fat pigs and camels that I saw.
I've been cracking jokes since four in the morning,
but all I got was a fake hee hee ha ha haw.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My love for you is nothing less than infinite.

What will I do without you,
my love.
Who will I yell at?
Who will I hit everyday?
What will I do without you,
my love.

You never complained.
You never resisted.
You always let me screw you,
black and blue.

What will I do without you,
my love.
Who will I throw things at?
Who will I give all the stale food to?
Who will wash my fucking undies?
What will I do without you,
my love.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I run amok.
Amidst gray clouds.
What I find -
in my quest for knowledge,
in my quest for power,
in my quest for fame,
- is more gray clouds.
The moment I look around,
I see light.